NVAHS Is Qualified To Provide Veterinary Acupuncture!
In addition to our standard veterinary services, NVAHS takes a holistic approach to animal care. We are pleased to offer Veterinary Acupuncture to animals of all sizes.
Acupuncture is one variety of therapies that may be used to treat animals. Simply stated, acupuncture is the stimulation of specific points on the body that have the ability to alter various biochemical and physiologic conditions to achieve the desired effect. It is a means of helping the body heal itself.

Acupuncture has been used successfully for nearly 4000 years on humans, as well as animals. As a matter of fact, it is still the treatment of choice for one quarter of the world’s populations for many problems. It is now being utilized by an increasing number of veterinarians, alongside Western medicine, for various diseases conditions. It is not a panacea, or cure-all, but in certain disease conditions it works well.
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Learn More About Veterinary Acupuncture!
Since January 2012, NVAHS has been offering Veterinary Acupuncture. Dr. Cori Stephen has received certification from the IVAS (International Veterinary Acupuncture Society).
Acupuncture in conjunction with Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and Food Energetics will bring a integrative approach to veterinary medicine at Nechako Valley Animal Health Services. NVAHS is very excited to provide this service to our clients.